Meet The Snoots

Squidward Ballerina
Nickname: Squid
The prettiest girl piggy you will ever meet.
Likes to wear high heels.
Single and loving it.
Bosses her brother around.

Self-described "foodie".
Answers to Potato Man.
Twin brother to Squidward Ballerina.
Trapezoid-shaped head.

Little sister to Mooki. Spoiled rotten.
Precocious teenager and is now into boys.
Likes to have her hair done and look demurely over her shoulder.
Will eat paint as a snack.

Protective over her little sister.
Really pretty but doesn't know it.
Wears dark eye makeup and all black to keep everyone away.
Never skips a meal.

Sheep matriarch.
Has no time for weaklings.
Mom of Uno, April and Arwen.
Believes in corporal punishment.
Has extra poundage and a loud voice.

Eldest daughter of Boomi.
Was expecting to be an only child.
Constantly paranoid and on the lookout.
Has difficulty concentrating.
Should be on meds.

One of Boomi's kids.
Twin to Uno.
Outgoing, trusting.
Will take candy from strangers.

Twin to April.
Perfect little gentleman.
Tries to die every other day.
Oldest lamb, but by far the smallest.
Walks bowlegged.
Mama's boy.

Rosie Cotton
Adopted sister of Arwen.
Keeps to herself.
A+ student.
Lead singer in the church choir.
Biggest eyes.

Mother to Bonzo.
Dainty yet ragged.
Loves being the center of attention.
Possibly a goat.

Only child to Bean.
Follows her mom everywhere.
Got knocked on the head as a newborn.
Sweet kid.

Mom to Sprout.
Went through a hippie phase, complete with dreads.
Still only showers once a month.
Not the sharpest snoot in the flock.

Daughter to Tofu.
Free spirit.
Likes to rub her face all over your face.
Answers to "Sprout-Sprout".

Sybil Meriweather
Shy and watchful.
Has refused to let us pet her.
Possible future leader.

Leader of the Quack Pack.
Determined to keep on her baby weight.
So surly, so diabolical.

This is Loki. Or maybe it's Linda. We're not really sure anymore.
Assuming it is Loki, then she is the most people-friendly: she'll eat out of your hand, yell at you, and run away.

Totally. Insane.

Another white duck.

Has angel wing syndrome, but still knows she's the cutest little goober ever.
Likes to stomp around in puddles.
Has speckled feet!
Tattle tale.

Little King Trashmouth the Pirate AKA Trashman
Has one eye and a limp.
Enjoys walking in circles.
Gets picked on by all the ladies.
Wants an eye patch for Christmas.
Was stepped on by a horse.

Tina Tweeter
Answers to "Chicken".
Loves canned corn.
Escaped a poultry truck and lived in an Arby's parking lot.
True renegade.
Likes to hang out with Tammy.

Tammy Faye Beaker
The coop boss.
Thinks she is a velociraptor.
Wears a beard and OWNS IT.
Uses "puppy" eyes and cooing noises to get what she wants.
Has it out for Doug.

Arthur AKA Moo
The best cat ever.
Terrified of the rest of the snoots. And the outdoors. And any noise in general.
Favorite color is pink.
Huge skull, short legs, impossibly cute.